
With a focus on the mindset of employees and the skillset of leaders, Clint has crafted several keynotes to strengthen culture by improving employee engagement. Below are four of his most-requested keynote presentations. While Clint loves to deliver in-person keynotes, he is a Certified Virtual Presenter and can deliver all of his programs virtually.
Tell Me Somethin' Good!
A Simple Guide to Overcoming Negativity
Tell Me Somethin' Good! is Clint's signature keynote presentation. Although he has been including the message in presentations for the past two decades, it has expanded from a "point" in his presentation to an entire keynote presentation. The content in this inspirational program comes from his most recent book titled Tell Me Somethin' Good! A Simple Guide to Overcoming Negativity.
The presentation is best used as a conference opening keynote, allowing the Tell Me Somethin' Good! message to carry throughout a multiple-day meeting. While the impact is significant as an opening keynote, it is also a high-impact way to wrap up a conference as a closing keynote. In a corporate environment, it is most often used in an all-employee gathering, with the positive message permeating throughout the organization long after the presentation.
In addition to the book, a line of Tell Me Somethin' Good! merchandise is available to reinforce the message beyond the platform!
Leadership Matters!
Enhancing Skillset to Increase Employee Engagement
Leadership Matters is a keynote presentation focused on the skillset of leaders. The content in this presentation comes from his best-selling book, Engaged Leadership: Building a Culture to Overcome Employee Disengagement.
The presentation is effective in many ways. While it is often used as an opening or closing keynote with an audience of leaders, it is effective as a breakout session to follow the Tell Me Somethin' Good! keynote. When used in this manner, the presentation allows the meeting planner to cover both the mindset of employees and the skillset of leaders.
Mindset Matters!
Cultivating a Positive Mindset to Increase Engagement
Mindset Matters is a high-energy keynote that focuses on the mindset required to increase employee engagement.
For those who have used Clint in the past and are looking for a follow-up to his Tell Me Somethin' Good! message, this is a great option. It allows a meeting planner to bring back a proven messenger with another strong message!
This keynote is effective as a mainstage presentation or a breakout session after the Tell Me Somethin' Good! keynote. As a breakout, it allows Clint to take the keynote message to another level.
Generation Matters!
Bridging the Generation Gap to Enhance Engagement
Generation Matters is a popular keynote that addresses a common challenge -- bridging the generational gap. Clint's professional speaking career began nearly twenty-five years ago, with him speaking on the topic of generations. He left a Fortune 50 company because of the generational gap, and he's been sharing his thoughts on the subject for decades.
While this presentation is effective as a keynote, it is often used as a breakout to follow the Leadership Matters keynote. It is a topic that impacts everyone, personally and professionally. In order to help make this presentation applicable to everyone, Clint applies the message to all aspects of our lives -- from parents to children to employees.

Beyond the Platform
While the impact Clint has from the stage is significant, research indicates we forget things really fast. To ensure the message lives on long after the presentation is over, Clint offers several ways to reinforce the message beyond the platform.
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